X-chromosomal markers in Forensic Genetics
GHEP 2025 Virtual workshop series, March 10,17 and 24th


Ø  Teachers: Daniel Kling (daniel.kling@rmv.se) and Andreas Tillmar (andreas.tillmar@rmv.se)

Ø  Links to exercises and presentations will be provided the day before the workshop


Brief description

The aim of this workshop is to give a comprehensive introduction to X-chromosomal markers in forensic genetics with a focus on kinship applications. The workshop is divided into three session, i) Basic where we introduce concepts such as the likelihood ratio principle and how underlying theory for calculations, ii) Advanced where we continue with concepts such as linkage and linkage disequilibrium and iii) Applications and examples where we showcase interesting cases. Theoretical presentations will be mixed with hands-on exercises.

Statistical methods are introduced and the freely available software FamLinkX is exemplified. The open software R is introduced, and the relevance for plotting of pedigrees and estimation of haplotype frequencies is demonstrated.

Lectures will be in English.


Participants should bring their own laptop if possible. Users are encouraged to download and install the biostatistical software R, any version, as well as FamLinkX (version 2.9.3) which may be used in exercises.

General information

Workshop Time & Date: 16:00-19:00 (CET), March 10, 17 and 24, 2025


Preliminary schedule (subject to changes)

Session 1 – Basics (March 10)

16:00                   Introduction

16:15-17:00      Basics of kinship testing and the utility of X-chromosomal markers

17:00-17:10      Short break

17:10-18:00      Software: FamLinkX

18:05-18:40      Exercises

18:40-19:00      Summary

Session 2 – Advanced (March 17)

16:00                   Introduction

16:15-17:00      Advanced theory

17:00-17:10      Short break

17:10-18:00      Haplotypes and databases

18:05-18:40      Exercises

18:40-19:00      Summary

Session 3 – Applications and examples (March 24)

16:00                   Introduction

16:15-17:00      Summary of theory and some more advanced topics

17:00-17:10      Short break

17:10-18:00      Examples

18:05-18:40      Exercises

18:40-19:00      Summary