Familias: Book, R version and Courses

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"Relationship Inference with Familias and R"

This page contains information connected to the book by Egeland, Kling, and Mostad, available from Elsevier. Please go to http://familias.no for free download of the program and documentation. Examples and exercises are based on the programs Familias (documentation), FamLink (tutorial), FamLinkX (tutorial) and R Familias (manual). The R library BookEKM (gz-format,, zip) contains functions and code for some examples and exercises in the book. Several other R libraries, developed by others, all available from cran, are also exemplified. These include disclap, disclapmix, DNAtools, identity, kinship2, and paramlink. Please check web and help pages for further information. Solutions for all exercises in the book are available but only selected exercises are freely available. There are also video solutions and tutorials. Some of the exercises require input files and these are available: Ch2Input.zip, Ch3Input.zip, Ch4FamLinkInput.zip, Ch4FamLinkXInput.zip. Please check courses and workshops for topics related to the book:

Book available from Elsevier.

Updated Oct 30 2020. You may send comments to thore.egeland@gmail.com