Familias: Book, R version and Courses
Information on courses, workshops and other events with topics typically related to the book
"Relationship Inference with Familias and R" by Egeland, Kling, and Mostad,
available from Elsevier,
appear below. Please go to http://familias.no for free download of the program and documentation.
Note that old courses often link to obsolete versions of software and documentation; please check updated versions.
For relevant information in Spanish, check this blog.
Oct 7, 14, 21 and 28, 2024. Kinship and pedigree analysis: Methods and applications.
Four-part lecture series, part of the GHEP-ISFG Online School 2024.
Teachers: Magnus D. Vigeland and Thore Egeland.
Course homepage.
Sept 10. Kinship statistics and pedigree analysis. Pre-congress workshop, ISFG Congress 2024,
Santiago de Compostela. Teachers: Magnus D. Vigeland and Thore Egeland.
Course homepage.
Microsoft Teams Workshop "Kinship statistics using Familias", organised by ENFSI, Nov 17 - 18, 10 - 15 both days. Teacher: Thore Egeland.
1ST International symposium on DNA supported missing person and disaster victim identification.
ICRC Delegation, Tbilisi, Georgia, October 31 - November 4, 2022.
Teachers: Thore Egeland and Lourdes Prieto.
What does it mean to be related?
ISFG, Washington, USA, 2022.
Thore Egeland.
NORBIS course: Statistical methods in relatedness and pedigree analysis.
June 13-17, Oslo.
Teachers: Magnus Dehli Vigeland and Thore Egeland.
Workshop "Kinship statistics using Familias", organised by ENFSI, Dec 14 - 15, 10 - 15 both days. Teacher: Thore Egeland.
GHEP advanced exercises.
Zoom discussion of exercises for 2021, 2021-10-19.
Teacher: Thore Egeland.
Relatedness inference with forensic applications. Thore Egeland. Invited talk.
SJS lecture, Nordic-Baltic Biometrics Virtual Conference, Helsinki
ISFG Summer School - Virtual Edition 2021. Workshop 7: Pedigree analysis in R.
July 28 -30.
Teachers: Magnus Dehli Vigeland and Thore Egeland.
GHEP advanced exercises.
Zoom discussion of exercises for 2020.
Teachers: Thore Egeland and Magnus Dehli Vigeland.
Triangular Cooperation Project.
Four zoom sessions October 2020. Kinship part: program.
Teachers: Thore Egeland, Mariana Herrera and Franco Marsico.
NORBIS course
Jan 6-10 2020 in Oslo:
Statistical methods in relatedness and pedigree analysis.
Teachers: Magnus Dehli Vigeland and Thore Egeland.
How Genealogy lost its innocence. Thore Egeland, talk Norwegian Statistical Association, Oslo, Nov 15, 2018.
Disaster Victim Identification – applications and statistics, with Thomas Parsons, Zlatan Bajunovic, Thore Egeland
and Nádia Pinto (full day) Porto, Portugal,October 25-26, 2018.
FamLink and FamLinkX, course, 3rd to 5th October 2018,
Copenhagen, Denmark.
Teachers: Thore Egeland and Daniel Kling.
ISFG summer School 2018 Catanzaro, Calabria (Italia), September 3-4 2018:
"Paternity and kinship testing including X-chromosomal markers". Teachers Thore Egeland and Daniel Kling.
NORBIS course
Jan 8-12 2018 in Oslo: Statistical methods in relatedness and pedigree analysis.
Teachers: Magnus Dehli Vigeland and Thore Egeland.
Workshop:Statistical Methods and Software for Forensic Genetics.
Date and venue: Nov 13-15, Monterrey, México. Announcement in Spanish.
Teacher: Thore Egeland.
Video recorded talk by Thore Egeland: Relationship Inference with Familias and R.
Oct 1, ISHI workshop, Seattle, WA, US.
Workshop: Kinship analysis.
Date and venue: Aug 29, ISFG 2017, Seoul, South Korea.
Teachers: Thore Egeland and Klaas Slooten.
Workshop: Familial Testing and Identification.
Date and venue: March 15-17 2017, Nicosia, Cyprus.
Teachers: Thore Egeland, Yarimar Ruiz, Lourdes Prieto.
Course organiser: Yarimar Ruiz
X-chromosomal markers and FamLinkX, Nov 23-24 2016, Buenos Aires,
Teachers: Thore Egeland and Leonor Gusmão.
Course Organiser: Andrea Colussi, SAGF.
Statistical methods in genetics using R, Nov 16-19 2016, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Teachers: Magnus Dehli Vigeland and Thore Egeland.
Please contact course organiser Leonor Gusmão (email lgusmao at ipatimup.pt) for further information.
- EUROFORGEN-NoE Webinar Nov 9, 2016.
Topic: Relationship Inference with Familias. Lecturer: Thore Egeland
- Workshop on evaluation of DNA evidence,
Ljubljana, Oct 3-6 2016.
Please contact Katja Drobnič, email
katja.drobnic at policija.si, for further information.
Teachers: Thore Egeland and others.
Advanced Relationship Inference. Workshop Chair: Daniel Kling (Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Division of Forensic Services).
In connection with ISHI, International Symposium of Human Identification, Minn, USA, Sep 26-29, 2016.
Euroforgen workshop program: Familial Testing and Identification.
Rome Sep 22-23, 2016.
Teachers: Thore Egeland and others.
- Workshop: Familial testing, X-files, FamLinkX.
Leonor Gusmão, Nádia Pinto and Thore Egeland.
Sep 6, 2016, XXI Jornadas del GHEP-ISFG, Bayahíbe (República Dominicana).
Statistical Methods in Forensic Genetics.
Bologna, Italy, June 6-7, 2016.
Teachers: Thore Egeland and others
Relationship inference with Familias and FamLink.
Teacher: Daniel Kling (Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Division of Forensic Services).
In connection with
CSFS Conference 2016,
May 19, Montreal, Canada.
- Familial testing: Autosomal and X chromosomal markers.
Teachers: Thore Egeland, Leonor Gusmão and Nádia Pinto.
Organisers: Leonor Gusmão and Elizeu F. Carvalho.
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, March 28 - April 1, 2016.
- Statistical methods in forensic genetics.
Athens Feb 11-12, 2016.
Teachers: Thore Egeland and others.
Activity before 2016
The below book is available
from Elsevier;
you should get a discount with the code ATR30.
Book available from