NORBIS course Jan 6-10 2020: Statistical methods in relatedness and pedigree analysis

Teachers: Magnus Dehli Vigeland and Thore Egeland


The course is arranged by NORBIS, a Norwegian research school in bioinformatics, biostatistics and systems biology. The program on the NORBIS home page is slightly revised below.
Preparations: All participants must bring a laptop with the R software installed. We also highly recommend the Rstudio desktop version. For pedigree analysis in R we will use the ped suite, in particular the packages pedtools, pedprobr, ribd, and forrel.
Location: Room 1151 in the Domus Medica building.
Exam: The take home exam problems have been emailed to the participants. Data for the exam problems: snp_data_exam.ped, GM.fam.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Updated Jan 19 2020. You may send comments to